I am a graduate student working under Professors Roger Davis and John Owens.   My research focus is in Computational Fluid Dynamics and GPU Computing.  I received my B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from UC Davis in March 2006 and previously worked as a Machine Designer at Sanger Works Facotry.  

My CV is available here (pdf).


  • ehphillips at-ucdavis-dot-edu
  • 2132 Bainer Hall  
    One Shields Ave.
    Davis, CA 95616

Research Interests:

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Parallel Computing
  • Graphics Hardware


  • Everett H. Phillips, Yao Zhang, Roger L. Davis, John D. Owens, "Rapid Aerodynamic Performance Prediction on a Cluster of Graphics Processing Units," Proceedings of the 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, No. AIAA 2009-565, Jan. 2009. [Online][Talk]
  • Michael Garland, Scott Le Grand, John Nickolls, Joshua Anderson, Jim Hardwick, Scott Morton, Everett Phillips, Yao Zhang, Vasily Volkov, "Parallel Computing Experiences with CUDA," IEEE Micro, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 13-27, Jul/Aug, 2008 [Online]
  • Everett H. Phillips, Yao Zhang, Roger L. Davis, John D. Owens. A Multi-Grid Solver for the 2D Compressible Euler Equations on a GPU Cluster. Technical Report ECE-CE-2008-2, Computer Engineering Research Laboratory, University of California, Davis, 2008.


  • These Days I'm learning more about graphics programming.  I've recently added a simple OpenGL visualization to one of the CFD codes I'm working on.  The ability to see the solution at runtime may be very useful during future development efforts.


UC Davis:
GPU Computing: